Client or self-driven projects in various fields of design
Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research, started and sponsored by Dana Foundation. First massive BAW in Saint-Petersburg supported by FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies) happened in March 2014 and I was lucky to get into the team. I was responsible for all […] … continue reading
Posted in Design -
The project is a visualization of the World Creation myths, born in different cultures all over the world. The core of the project is a map, which allows to trace similarities between different cultures as well as follow the world creation process within a single culture. You can also develop your own myth by switching […] … continue reading
Posted in Design -
This is a multiplayer online tower defence game “Runes of War” (graphics from closed beta). In this project my responsibilities were to draw all graphics: title screens, cursors, GUI as well as the whole load of in-game graphics (such as backgrounds, roads, monsters, castles, gems, towers and so on). … continue reading
Posted in Art -
This is a logo and some corporate materials for Dr Ruzicka Cardiology in Cheshire (England). What did the client say: The project was a contest to create logo for private cardiology practice in Cheshire in England. I wanted something classy but also clean and simple which radiates quality and inspires confidence. Out of 338 designs […] … continue reading
Posted in Designunder Graphic design -
Пошаговая инструкция (можно увеличить): P.S. По желанию можно накрыть пиалу с яблоком пищевой плёнкой, перед тем как ставить в микроволновку. Ну, чтобы мыть не пришлось, всякое бывает… P.P.S. Зубочистки нужны, чтобы яблоко совсем не развалилось. Хотя есть и на такое любители. … continue reading
Posted in Portfolio